Friday, February 4, 2011

Orthodontist Visit!

Lukas has his second loose tooth and the permanent tooth broke through right behind it (I posted this picture). We knew this didn't seem right and called our dentist. They wanted to see him right away. He told us that it was time to take him to see an orthodontist. We knew this was coming, but not this fast!

Today, we took him to his appointment for a consultation. He was a little scared at first, but did extremely well. We were very impressed. Right away, they took x-rays and pictures. They had a chest of toys and he picked out a football. After they got the results, we all met in a private room and the Doctor looked at him and we also discussed our options. Lukas sat in the chair very nicely and did everything the Doctor said. Lukas loved looking at his x-rays. He thought they were so neat. We were also surprised at what we were looking at. He has extreme crowding on the bottom and to our surprise the same thing is going to happen to his top teeth. The good news is that everything that's happening with his teeth is very normal. We also learned that they start earlier because the gums, jaws and teeth are real soft and easy to adjust as a child. It's actually too early for him to start treatments so we have to wait 9 months. We are scheduled to go back in November and they will take another look and we may start the first phase then. This will consist of expanding his jaws and braces on the top four teeth. We can't start until his two front permanent teeth and top six year molars have erupted. It's already been recommended that we do Phase I and Phase II treatment options. Check back in November to see what happens!


Hertha Gearin said...

Oh, yeah, it can be a shock when it happens that quickly. Still, consider it an early start to getting that problem fixed! It seems like Luke's first trip to the orthodontist is good, so it's best to focus on the good news there.

Unknown said...

This was a wonderfully helpful article! Very informative. Thanks for the post. Orthodontist Allentown PA

Orthodontist Doylestown PA said...

Great post…Thanks for giving me a good advice for an Orthodontist. This is extremely helpful.