Sunday, May 15, 2011

Camp Agawam

Friday, Kelly got off work early and we headed to Camp Agawam - Family Camp with the Cub Scouts. On the entire drive there, it was pouring and when we arrived, it was still raining. We left the kids in the truck while we set up the easy up and tent. When the boys got out of the truck, they didn't care about the rain at all. They took off and started playing with all the other kids. It finally did stop raining after we got everything set up...go figure, but everything was a soggy mess! We helped some of our friends set there stuff up and made s'mores and relaxed a little before "lights out". Believe it or not, we all slept in Lukas's 2-man tent. The boys went to sleep with no problem. It was definitely tight and cozy!

Saturday, we were up at 6am and the boys got up around 7am. When they were up and moving, we made some eggs on our new coleman propane skillet. They turned out pretty good. Around 8:45, was opening ceremony and they went over the schedule for the day. Of course, at this point it starts drizzling. We did a few activities right after that and at 9:45 our pack was scheduled to go do the bb-gun range, archery, and sling shot. At this point, the rain was really coming down. Landon was a little whiney and wanted to go home, but we think he was just tired. Lukas was loved the bb-gun range. He didn't hit the target, but he still had fun. Ben can't wait to take him this Summer to shoot his bb-gun. Lukas had a hard time with the archery shooting. He didn't really have enough strength and to the now back and Ben had to help him. After we finished those activities, it was time for lunch. We headed back to our camp site and had lunch. As soon as lunch was over, it started pouring. Landon was so tired that he crawled up on Kelly's lap and fell asleep. We manage to lay him down on the chair and he took a 3-4 hour nap. Around 2:00, the sun came out! We started drying everything out and the sun never felt so good. While I stayed at the site with Landon, Ben and Lukas went fishing with a bunch of boys. They were gone for 3 hours. Lukas loved it and caught 3 little fish. Around 6:00, we started our dinner. We had mountain pies, strawberries, and cucumbers. The mountain pies were delicious. After dinner, Lukas and a bunch of his buddies headed off to play in the forte, mine and castle. During our free time, Lukas was always off with this buddies running around. He didn't mind at all that his jeans were wet up past his knees and his shoes were completely soaked. He didn't complain once about being cold, wet or wanting to go home.

Needless to say, around 9-9:30pm, a big storm hit suddenly. It started to thunder/lightning, and with no warning, it started to pour cats and dogs. We all ran to our tents. The boys were so frightened. Lukas thought our tent was going to blow away. Ben peeked out at one point and stuck his hand out and said it was hailing. After the storm, we decided that we were going to pack up and leave. Our sleeping bags were soaked from us jumping in and the boys were too frightened. Sunday morning everyone was to pack up and leave, so we didn't miss anything. Besides, we had enough fun in the rain and wanted to go home and get clean and dry. Even though it rained most of the time, we all had a great time. They have a Fall family camp scheduled in October and we plan on going. We will definitely be getting a bigger tent and will be more prepared for the next one!

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