Saturday, August 15, 2009


Yes, I put 30 candles on his cake...
...and 8 were trick/magic candles!

Ben knew that we were having a picnic with his mom and dad this Saturday. 
Little did he know that it was his 30th surprise party!

This is how the day planned out:
I woke up at 8:30 to start the pork.
Ben woke up at 9:30
I left at 10:00 to get a few things at the store.
Ben decided to cut the hedges and grass around 11:00. 
At 1:30 he was still cleaning up and the guests were to arrive at 2:00. 
At 1:40, our first friend, Gloria, showed up. Ben was downstairs in the basement running the vacuum...aaahhhh! I was starting to panic. I didn't know what to do with her. I couldn't have her go downstairs. That's were Ben was. I couldn't send her up to our room because Ben would be going up there after his shower. Landon was in their room napping, so I sent her up there and told her to hide in their closet. Yes, this was all going on while Ben was in the basement running the vacuum. 
Glenna and Rick showed up at 1:45. They were my key to get Ben out of the house. 
At 1:50, we finally got Ben in the shower! Right after he got in the shower there was a knock on the door. Everett arrived! I took him upstairs to hide with Gloria. Then he asks me the game plan. I told him that Ben was still in the shower. He said "O crap, I thought he was gone and my bike is parked right behind his truck". I snuck him back downstairs so he could move his bike. Thank goodness, Ben was still in the shower! 
At 2:00 Mike and Tracey show up and Ben's friend BJ. 
BJ and Everett were in the backyard talking so I ran out there to tell them to hide-out on the front porch. I went inside to close the blinds and to tell Rick not to drive in front of the house when they leave. 
Finally, shortly after 2:00, Ben is out of the shower...ready to go. Glenna planned on taking him to the cemetery where his grandparents are burried and to go on a beer run (I know it sounds weird, but Ben asked his mom about their graves a month or so ago). 
They left and we just waited for everyone else to show up. 
It was 3:00 and I'm texting Glenna telling her that we were ready. She couldn't get Ben to leave the cemetery. He was asking all kinds of questions. Back at our house, we're all wondering what the hell is taking so long. 
Finally, around 3:10, they arrive! We thought OK, he's going to walk into the house and we'll surprise him...HELL NO, this is Ben we're talking about. He goes to the basement, gets a cooler, goes back outside and starts putting the beer and ice. Then goes back down the basement again...for what, who knows. Meanwhile, everyone was waiting in the living room while I'm doing the play by play. Rick came in right before Ben and we almost did the "surprise" on him, but I was able to hold it off. 
Finally, after a long wait, Ben comes in the house and I told him to go into the living room because Lukas wanted to show him something. We got him! He had know idea that I had this planned. He did admit that he was a little embarrassed. Ben does hate being in the spot light.

Ben had a great time! 

This is what I did to play off the surprise:
I told Ben we were having a picnic with his Dad, Tracey, Mom and Rick.
Two days before the party I texted everyone to park away from the house.
Me, his Mom, Tracey and my sister made food.
I ordered a cake at Giant Eagle and gave my sister money to pick it up.
I called my brother and asked him to pick up the beer.

Family, Friends, Food, Beer=GOOD TIMES!

Thank you to everyone who helped me with his surprise and also for being so patient. It definitely will be rememorable! (I got this on video and it's funny!)

Happy 30th Birthday Benjamin...and many more!!

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