Monday, August 17, 2009

18 Month Check-Up

This morning was Landon's 18 month check-up with Dr. Gibson. He weighed in at 27 lbs and is 34". Dr. Gibson said that he is right on track. Poor guy had to get one shot today. Lukas kept telling him that he was so sorry and it'd be O.K.... he's such a good big brother. Since Landon is in the high percentile of the growth chart, she told us we could start giving him 2% milk instead of the whole milk. He doesn't need the extra fat! 

Our only concern is the "Binky". We've been trying for a few weeks to ween him from his bink, but it's been tuff. Not only on Landon, but us too! Dr. Gibson told us we are doing great. We don't give it to him during the day, but allow it for nap and bedtime. She said that's a great way to start. She's not too concerned about it because his teeth look great and we still have some time before he's two. She likes "binky kids" to be off before they're two because once they start talking, then you have trouble. We went through this with Lukas. The only difference, he was a lot easier. We'll manage, we did it once before and we'll do it again. 

Landon's growing up too fast. He can go up and down stairs all by himself and we don't freak out. He loves to dance, play with cars, blocks, and big boy toys. He can use the stool and wash his hands, loves to brush his teeth and bath time. He's starting to talk more and loves to say "Hi"!

The most wonderful thing that he has been doing the last few weeks is giving hugs and kisses. And, if you ask him for one or the other, he knows what you asked for.

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