Sunday, September 28, 2008

My little helper

This weekend was a bit stressful. Landon's getting some more teeth and has been super fussy. Ben worked 12 hours Friday and Saturday night and is going to work 10 hours tonight. I hate when he has to work all weekend and so do the boys, especially Lukas. When Ben left for work Saturday night, Lukas and I made halloween cupcakes. While I was beating the cake mix, Lukas pitched in and fed Landon. He really got into it and was even wiping his mouth. When Landon went down for a little nap, I worked with Lukas on his writing. We have been working hard to teach him how to hold his crayon/pencil and to write is name (Very Stressful!). When he finishes the work, I reward with him putting a sticker on his paper. Ben and I have really noticed a big change in Lukas. Right before our eyes, he's grown into a boy. He's learning how to write, read, brush his own teeth, shower by himself, and the list goes on. He has to do everything himself. He's a really great kid and big help.

1 comment:

Erica :o) said...

How cute that Lukas helps you!!! Sorry I haven't called or emailed in a while, I was at my parents house and we just got home last night. Now it's back to getting Avery sleeping through the night...she hasn't for the past 2 weeks when we were gone. Talk to you soon!