Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Is there really a Santa Claus?

Well, the day has finally come...Lukas questioned me (mommy) about Santa Claus tonight. :(
It was very depressing! I don't really know why this is such a shock, since he is 8 years and in third grade, but it is. Of course, I threw the question right back at him "Do you believe?". What parent wouldn't?! We had a brief conversation and I think I was convincing enough to gain another year or two!

I told Ben about this when I got him up for work and he said "Do you think we should just tell him?" and I said absolutely NOT! I want our children stop believing on their own. I want these days to last as long as they possibly can!

Our conversation:
Lukas: "Mommy, is there really a Santa Clause"?

Mommy: Do you believe in Santa?

Lukas: Yes, but friends at school told me that our parents are Santa and that their dads put on santa suit and put the presents under the tree. Does Daddy have a santa suit?"

Mommy: "No! Daddy doesn't have a Santa suit. Why would he?"

Lukas: "I don't know."

Mommy: "You know what they say, if you don't believe, you don't receive." I think I got him on that 

Lukas: You know what, Mommy. I guess my friends at school can't hear the bell anymore.  Awe, so sweet!

Mommy: I guess not. :(

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