Friday, September 7, 2012

Luke's upper expander

Lukas got his upper expander today! It was a little painful to get in, but he did he really great. He said to the ortho assistant, "How long do I have to have this?" and she said this is going to be his best friend for a long time...I think we should name it. He named it "STEELY"! Steely will be with him for about a year. We have to turn his expander, with a special tool, every three days for 15 turns. Of course, Mommy gets this job! At the end of October, he goes back to get fitted for his lower expander.

Before we left, they sent him home with a bag of stuff:
New toothbrush
box of wax
special mouth wash
key tool to turn his expander
Travel toothpaste and toothbrush for school and on the go

He has to make sure he brushes his teeth four times a day and we have to use the mouth was once a day for one minute. He's doing a great job with not eating any popcorn, sticky or gummy foods.
We are super proud of him!

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