Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blue & Gold Banquet

This evening, Lukas had his pack Blue & Gold Banquet. The Blue and Gold Banquet is a celebration of the anniversary of Cub Scouting and is named after the symbolic colors of Cub Scouting. It is held in February and is the biggest pageant of the Scouting year. A special committee is formed a few months in advance of the event and plans the meeting. Scouts will be asked to assist in planning the event and participating in the banquet. This event is always a highlight of the boys’ Cub Scout experience. This year, was a huge success. We had about 120 people! We had a pre-opening slideshow with photos of what the boys have been up to this year. The Flag Ceremony was done by the Webelos & Bears, had a wonderful spaghetti dinner followed by awards, rank advancements, beads, belt loops, skits by each Den, and a guest speaker about camp promotions. Lukas earned his Wolf badge and 4 ranking beads! Now, he can work on earning his gold & silver arrow points. Below is a video of the wolves skit "Pack 553 goes ice fishing" They did a great job! There's even a picture of me handing out beads and belt loops to my den. They really are a great group of boys to work with!

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