Saturday, December 10, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

The boys and I went to AVH to have breakfast with Santa. Ben headed out for another day in the woods. Lukas decided to go with Landon and I instead of hunting. Which was nice, since my mom is in charge of the event. When we first arrived, we sat with Santa (which took a little time to convince Landon and he said he's only go if I went with him) and the boys told him what the wanted most for Christmas. They both got a cookie and bag full of toys. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the boys with Santa:( There was a gal there taking photos and I'm sure my mom will give us one.

After we visited Santa, I took them over to get their breakfast. They got a muffin, fruit cup, peanut butter crackers and milk. Then, we made christmas ornaments. I got to tell you... Lukas was really into making the crafts this year. He made three of them and of course Landon had to copy Lukas:) They both did a great job this year!

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