Saturday, February 6, 2010


This morning we woke up to 22" and still snowing. We haven't had a snow storm since 1993. It was absolutely gorgeous! It was unbelievable how much snow we got overnight. We had never seen snow cling to our windows. It took a good 4-5 hours to shovel. Thank goodness we have great neighbors that helped! It actually turned into a fun day. We had a neighborhood block party and stood across the street and talked and drank while all the kids played in the snow. Lukas really loves the snow. He was outside for 3 hours before he got cold. Landon on the other hand, absolutely hates the snow. He likes to look and point at it, but will not go in it. Needless to say, Ben and Lukas spent most of the day outside while Landon and I hung out in the house. 

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