Friday, August 6, 2010

And...he's off!

Lukas left this evening for vacation. He went with my Mom & Jade, Nanny & Pappap, Uncle John & Aunt Eileen, Aunt Lee Ann and Ashlynn. Tonight they headed to Erie to John and Eileen's house and tomorrow they will all get up early and head to Sandy Pond, NY. He is super excited and couldn't wait to go. He's so excited to go to the beach, ride a boat, go fishing, and so much more. I'm sure he's going to be SUPER SPOILED! Uncle John told me "he'll never be the same"... Uh Oh! This is his first time away from for this long period of time. As much as he can push my buttons, I MISS him ALREADY! On the other hand, I asked Landon before he went to bed if he missed Lukas and he said "No". We'll see what he says at the end of the week. I know that Landon is going to live it up while Lukas is away. He'll get full run of the house and ALL the toys. It's definitely going to be interesting around here when Lukas comes home. In the meantime, we look forward to Lukas phone calls this week and for his return on the 15th. We can't wait to hear all about his trip and see the pictures that he takes! Have a great week buddy. We LOVE YOU...MWAH!!!

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