Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day #1 DAD!

Today, we celebrated with #1 DAD. Ben woke up to the boys giving him a card that Lukas picked out and signed both their names. He even wrote "DAD" on the envelope without any help. After Landon went down for his nap, Lukas and I baked a white cake for Ben (His Favorite). We spent the entire day together doing stuff outside, grilled out for dinner and then went out for icecream. Ben even called off work tonight and spent the ENTIRE evening with us. It was so great! He had a wonderful Father's Day and deserved the day off work. He does so much for the boys and I. He truly is THE #1 DAD in the WORLD!! Not too many men work the shift that he works (12am – 8am) and comes home while I leave for work (9am – 5pm) and stays up all day with the boys and doesn't go to bed until I get home at 6pm. Yes, he only gets 3-4 hours of sleep! But, he does this for our boys. DADDY – We love and appreciate you more than you'll ever know. Thank You for EVERYTHING! Happy Father's Day=]

Friday, June 19, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Lukas attended Vacation Bible School this week at our church. He had a blast and didn't want it to come to an end. Tonight they held a program for the parents. They sang songs and showed us what they had been learning all week. Lukas did extremely well with the singing and hand motions to each song. We're so proud of him. They had a small reception afterwards and had fruit, pound cake and drinks while they played a slideshow of photos from the week. It was really nice. We love our church family.  

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lukas' 5 year portraits

Today, we finally took Lukas to get his 5 year milestone pictures! We usually don't wait this long, but we've been super busy since the beginning of May. We still can't believe that our big guy is five already and will be starting kindergarten this Fall. He's turning into a handsome little man=]

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Relay for Life – Day 2

This morning, I arrived at the Apollo High School for the survivor's luncheon. I went to take pictures of all the survivors as they came in for their lunch. This was my first year to help out my mom's team. What an experience...I met so many great people. It felt wonderful to reach out and be part of this event. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

Relay for Life

After dinner, the boys and I went to the Apollo High School for the Relay for Life luminary walk. My mom and sister are on the "Blistered Sisters" team and we met up with them. I was so surprised how much fun the boys had doing laps around the track, especially Lukas. It's truly amazing to see all the luminaries lit around the track. Lets all keep fighting for a cure!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

USW Idlewild Day

Today, we spent the day at Idlewild for Ben's company picnic. We spent most of our time in Raccoon Lagoon (kiddie land). Lukas was extremely excited this year. The boys both got on the (baby) ferris wheel and Landon freaked out right before the end of the ride. Poor guy cried the rest of the ride until the girl got them off. They were the last cart to get off too. After that, Lukas wanted to ride the cars and we thought Landon would like that. Ben put Landon in his car and buckled him in and he was loving it. He was laughing, giggling and cheesing spinning the steering wheel round and round. Then the ride started to go in circles. The frown broke out and on the second round he was screaming. He cried the entire time. Ben and I didn't put him on any more rides for the rest of the day. I guess he's just not a rider this year. Lukas rode a lot with our friends little girl "Skyler". She's only 2.5 and Lukas and her play great together for the age difference. Around 4:00, we decided to head home. Landon was tired since he only took a small nap and Lukas was also getting cranky. The sun had done us all in.

On the way home, Lukas wanted to stop at Red Lobster so Ben treated us to dinner. Ben got the ultimate feast and Lukas tried shrimp scampi, lobster and crab legs and loved it! Landon shared my wild salmon. Ben and I are so proud that both our boys love seafood. It was a great day. It would have been even better if Ben didn't have to go out to work that night.