Lukas started 1st grade today!
He woke up this morning with no problem or attitude. I was very impressed. Landon on the other hand, was a cranky pants. I made them blueberry eggos with a side of banana slices for breakfast. Lukas ate everything on his plate. After he finished breakfast, he brushed his teeth and got dressed with me only telling him ONE TIME! It was great:-) Lets hope this lasts the whole school year! We were even ready 15 minutes early and outside waiting for Daddy. He was running a little late and Lukas actually looked at me and said "Where's Daddy, I'm going to be late for school." It was so cute.
I would say he's pretty excited to start a new school year. Of course, I took pictures of him before he left for school. Also, Lukas wanted to pack his lunch again this year so I made him a special "star" sandwich. Well, I tried anyway! All that matters is that he loved it:-) I'm going to try to get away with this as long as possible. I know my years are limited!
When I got home from work, he told me all about his day. He likes his new teacher and he has his own desk! He is very excited about this. (In pre-school, pre-K, and Kindergarten they have the rooms set up with tables and chairs and you sit in a group.) Today, he had computer class and brought home a bunch of papers that they did in class and he did very well on them. He also told me right away that he didn't have any homework, but I did! I had a bunch of papers to fill out and return the next day. Oh how I love the first day of school!
Ben and I are so proud of our little first grader...he is growing up way too fast! Have a great year buddy:-)