I had to run to the store the other night for a few items. I normally don't take the kids with me anymore because it's more than a handful. Ben was in bed so I had no other choice then to drag them with me. Luckily, our Giant Eagle brought the car carts back and that makes it so much easier when I have to take them. When we were checking out, Lukas spotted the big point of purchase display of CRAZY BANDS. He absolutely loves these things. I know, I know what you're thinking...BOYS and BRACELETS? Well, they actually make these for both girls and boys and all the young kids are into them. Crazy...I know! He already went through a couple packages and I told them that they could get one bag each. Lukas picked the "vehicles" and Landon picked "cars and trucks". Landon likes to wear his super high on his biceps and they get so tight that it looks like he's going to cut off his circulation, so I make him take them off. Lukas will wear his till they end up breaking. This new trend reminds me of my childhood when I used to love "slap bracelets". I know it's a phase that will pass so I just wanted to mark this phase of their life. One day, they'll look back on this and won't believe it!