The other night, Ben was using the scale and we decided to put the boys on to see how much they weigh. Lukas weighs 38 lbs and Landon is 27 lbs. After they were done, they thought the scale was a toy and kept doing it over and over again. They were even fighting over who's turn it was and pushing each other off the scale. When they got too rough, I told them that was enough and put the scale away. Thank goodness they're still too short to reach where we keep it.
We sure have noticed how much Lukas has changed since starting kindergarten. Not only his growth, but how much he's matured. He's definitely not a baby anymore. He's even teaching Landon the things he's learning in school. Landon is saying a lot of words now. He's still hasn't spoke a sentence, but his vocabulary has grown so much over the last month. Here are words that he says: Hi, Bye, Dada, Mama (his fav), kitty, up, yes, home (every time we pull in the drive way he says "home"), hot, cold, hat, more, no, cup, apple, uh-oh, hug, kiss, eye, whoo-whoo, choo-choo (his train noises), Jade, deer, blue, book, Tilly, yum, Mmmm, poop (a new one), and many more that aren't coming to my mind right now. We think Landon is going to love going to school. Every night Lukas does homework, Landon gets up at the kitchen table with him and wants to do it too. It's so cute to watch them. It's absolutely amazing how much Lukas is learning in school. Ben and I are so glad we enrolled him all day. He's adjusted well and still loves going. We will be going to his art show on February 2nd. We are super excited:)
Ben is still very sore from the surgery. He still has some pain in his legs, but everyone tells us that's from the inflammation and it's still aggravated from the doctor digging around. He has been a great patient for me. He has been listening to me and I've been doing everything around the house. I'm exhausted! I never knew how much Ben did around the house until now. After the second night of doing all the chores myself, I told Ben how much I love and appreciate him. I hope he listens next week when I go back to work. He goes to the doctor on February 2nd for a 2 week follow up with his surgeon. We'll keep everyone updated.