I took Lukas the other night to the Movie Gallery and we rented "Bolt" and the "Walle" game for Wii. Lukas has been doing wonderful in school and we wanted to reward him, plus we promised to rent this movie on demand, but they took it off the rental list.
After the shower today, I made my skillet goulash and the boys and I had dinner in the living room while we watched "Bolt". I bought the boys these new plate trays and Lukas loves them. His has dinosaurs and Landon's has trucks and planes. I made them up a homemade TV dinner with the goulash, grapes, and mini muffins as their dessert. It was so nice to eat and watch a movie at the same time. After Landon ate his dinner, he lost interest in the movie. But, he kept himself busy playing while Luke and I watched the movie. Too bad Ben had to go to bed for work, that would have made it even better.
"Bolt" is a very cute movie and we enjoyed it very much=]