This afternoon was the annual Pinewood Derby.
Luke's car was a big disaster and to top it off, Great Nanny passed away yesterday. I guess you could say that this wasn't the best Pinewood Derby for us. Lukas put a lot of time into his car and we didn't want him to miss out on one of his favorite scout events. New this year, our pack held a "Sibling Race" which Landon participated and loved. We didn't have time to make him a car, so he used Luke's car from last year. It turned out that Luke's car wasn't the fastest or slowest! Maybe next will be his year!
Den 4
Sibling Race
Lukas's car!

Landon hanging out :)
his lil bro!
Luke's 1st
race of four.
He placed
3 - 1 - 4 - 2