Saturday, September 29, 2012
1st Day of Archery
1st day of archery and 1st time hunting for Lukas! They sat in the tree stand for 5 hours and they only saw a red fox and a squirrel. Maybe he will get one next weekend:)
Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Leechburg Moose asked Pack 553 to run a spin art & snow cone booth for Pink Day in Leechburg. They supplied all the stuff and told us that the Pack keeps all the profits. After Lukas's soccer game, I took the boys down and Lukas jumped right in helping with the spin art. They boys had so much doing this. Landon did get a little bored so I left Lukas with his pack and Landon and I strolled the streets to see other vendors. It was a very nice festival.
Daddy's NEW BIKE
Daddy's new bike!
These pics are from the beginning of the month, but I forgot to post them. Ben got a new bike and we went to try it out. Lukas had so much fun riding with his Daddy. He was being a big shot and trying to show off. We thought for sure he was going to end up wrecking, but he didn't. Now all we need is a bike for Mommy and we can all go riding together!
Stepping Stones
Landon's stepping stone
Mommy and 1st born stepping stone
Back of our stone
Lukas, Landon and I painted it:)
This is a picture of Landon putting his hand in Lukas's stone. Lukas made this stone when he was 4:)
Mommy and 1st born stepping stone
Back of our stone
Lukas, Landon and I painted it:)
This is a picture of Landon putting his hand in Lukas's stone. Lukas made this stone when he was 4:)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
8 YR Check-up
Lukas had is 8 year check-up this morning. We know... he turned 8 back in May, but yet again we delayed on calling the pediatrician and couldn't get him in right away. Seriously, we need to get on the ball. As always, he's healthy as a horse! He didn't have to get any shots this time and doesn't have to get any till he's 11. He's so excited about that. Below our his recorded stats.
BP – 90/40
HT – 50.5" (41%)
WT – 52 lb (22%)
BP – 90/40
HT – 50.5" (41%)
WT – 52 lb (22%)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sunday School & Church
Sunday School started September 9th so we are getting back to going to church regularly. The boys are doing really great sitting through the hour service this year. I haven't had to separate them yet with me in the middle. :) LOL!
Lukas sat and worked on the children's program through most of the service. On the last page the directions said "draw a picture of your church" and he did a beautiful job. He was so proud and was showing a bunch of people after the service. Great job, Lukas!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Vandergrift Meet the Teacher
We went to Lukas's school tonight for "Meet the Teacher Night". We sat in on a small presentation of what he'll be learning this year and then he got to show us all around his room. Landon loves going to visit Luke's school. He was so excited to go and didn't want to leave. Lukas showed us his cubby, library card, his work around the room and his desk. The theme of his room is OUTER SPACE!
The above pictures are from my phone.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Landon's worksheet
Landon brought this worksheet home from school today. As you'll notice he didn't color the cat, rabbit and flower correctly. I (mommy) glanced this over and quizzed him on his colors. He got them all right when I pointed to each one.
Mommy: Why didn't you color the cat black?
Landon: Mommy, it's a calico like Cali and she's not black!
Mommy: What about the rabbit and flower?
Landon: Mommy, I only had eight crayons in my box and white and pink weren't in there.
Landon, you're too funny! :)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Luke's upper expander

Lukas got his upper expander today! It was a little painful to get in, but he did he really great. He said to the ortho assistant, "How long do I have to have this?" and she said this is going to be his best friend for a long time...I think we should name it. He named it "STEELY"! Steely will be with him for about a year. We have to turn his expander, with a special tool, every three days for 15 turns. Of course, Mommy gets this job! At the end of October, he goes back to get fitted for his lower expander.
Before we left, they sent him home with a bag of stuff:
New toothbrush
box of wax
special mouth wash
key tool to turn his expander
Travel toothpaste and toothbrush for school and on the go
He has to make sure he brushes his teeth four times a day and we have to use the mouth was once a day for one minute. He's doing a great job with not eating any popcorn, sticky or gummy foods.
We are super proud of him!He has to make sure he brushes his teeth four times a day and we have to use the mouth was once a day for one minute. He's doing a great job with not eating any popcorn, sticky or gummy foods.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Landon's 1st day of Pre-K
Landon's 1st school lunch:)
heart salami sandwich
go gurt
fruit snacks
2 cookies (behind the sandwich)
juice box
Landon wanted his picture
taken with his big brother! :)
Landon's cubby:)
Our baby started Pre-K today! He's going to CMA three days a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday), all day (8:30am to 3:00pm). He's extremely excited. It's the same school/classroom that he attended last year and he'll have the same teacher. This makes it a little easier on us to send him all day. We think he will do great since he quit taking naps at about age 2. This will also make the transition for all day kindergarten a lot smoother. We bought him his LLBean backpack and lunch box this year since he's going all day. He picked it out and wanted it embroidered with "Remaley" just like his big brother, Lukas! They didn't have the matching lunch box so he wanted blue...his favorite color:)
Good Luck in Pre-K, Landon!
Monday, September 3, 2012
#8 bites the dust
Here's Lukas with his 8th tooth missing!
You can really see his spacers now with all his missing teeth.
He lost tooth #8 at Talen's birthday party:)
Talen's Birthday Party
This afternoon, we went to Talen's birthday party. He turned 4 on September 2nd. Mike and Megan had a picnic/monster truck party. The boys have been having so much fun with their cousins this weekend. Lots of family time...we LOVE it!
ALSO... Lena (their puppy) and Lukas both lost a tooth at the party! It seemed to be the highlight of the party. Ben was playing with Lena when we got there and found her tooth on the floor. Lukas was eating his dinner and realized his tooth was really loose. He asked his mommy to pull it out and we put it in a bag to bring home. It was a great party!
Happy Birthday, Talen!
ALSO... Lena (their puppy) and Lukas both lost a tooth at the party! It seemed to be the highlight of the party. Ben was playing with Lena when we got there and found her tooth on the floor. Lukas was eating his dinner and realized his tooth was really loose. He asked his mommy to pull it out and we put it in a bag to bring home. It was a great party!
Happy Birthday, Talen!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Nate's Birthday Party
This afternoon was Nathan's birthday party. He turns 3 on September 4th! We had a great time at his Mickey Mouse party. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousin! Happy Birthday Nate!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Fun-filled Day!
It's Labor Day weekend and to start the fun, we took the kids to ride GO CARTS, Quaker Steak and Lube in Sharon, PA and spent the evening at Uncle Mike and Megan's house. We had an amazing day with family and friends!
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