We had a VERY busy weekend! This time of year is always chaotic for us. Ben and I are exhausted before Christmas day even gets here.
Friday night, we had Christmas at Grandma and Rick's house. The boys got so many wonderful gifts. Grandma got Lukas two GI Joe toys and got Landon his lego firefighter helicopter. Uncle Mike got them Star Wars light sabers!!! Lukas opened up his first and he got the blue one. Landon opened his and got the red one. The immediately switched! Didn't even discuss or argue. They are so funny.
Christmas Eve we went to 7:15 church service and went to Great Nanny and Pappap's house right afterwards. They got LOTS of legos, some clothes, and Great Nanny made them special blankets. She made a camo for Lukas and buzz for Landon. They love them and can't sleep without them. Landon still has to sleep with his bubby, too! We didn't get home till 1am and the boys were exhausted. We got them ready for bed and Lukas put out cookies, milk and his note to Santa that he typed in school.
Christmas morning began at 9:15. Landon was the first one up. He woke us up yelling "Santa came!" They couldn't wait to open gifts. They got star war legos, lego sticker books, Cars 2 DVD, star war action figures (the boys call them GI Joe Star Wars), monopoly, battleship, Lukas got a fishing pole, fire station legos, white ninja lego and black ninja lego. Later that morning, Nanny came over with more gifts. She got them the Star War lego DS game, more star war action figures and more star war legos. She stayed and visited with us for a couple hours. Around 3:00, we headed to Pappy Sam's. He got them blue and red light sabers and got Lukas the Darth Vader mask and got Landon the General Grievous mask. It was definitely a Star War Christmas for these two boys!! This really was a great Christmas. Lukas said it was the "Best Christmas Ever!" They got everything on their wish lists.
Thanks Everyone! We love you all.