The boys and I went shopping earlier in the week for Ben's Father's Day gift. We got him a gift package of his favorite cologne. The boys couldn't wait and gave him his gift and card on Saturday. That was his night off and we wanted to enjoy his day off. We took him out to dinner later that day. Lukas actually made this card in school. Nothing beats homemade cards from your children. We both think it's very creative and LOVE it! The little drawing on the left is Ben and Lukas playing soccer together, but he forgot to draw the soccer ball:D...TOO CUTE!
Dear Ben,
You're the most amazing father! You sacrifice so much for our family. There aren't many father's out there who compare to you. The way you work, get home and stay up all day with the kids, and do this on only 4 hours of sleep a day. You really are the world's greatest Dad. I am truly blessed and thank God for you everyday. I know how hard it is on you and I appreciate you so much. You and the boys are my world! Here's to many more Father's Day. I love you babe!