We had plans to go Grandma's today, but she got sick and had to reschedule. When we told Lukas our plans had changed, he said in this sweet little sad voice "well, where are we going to have Thanksgiving?" Thankfully, Giant Eagle was open this morning and off I ran to get chicken, rolls, potatoes, corn, stuffing and gravy. I threw something together very quickly just to give him some sort of dinner on Thanksgiving. It was actually pretty darn good for being last minute! We spent our Thanksgiving with just the four of us all day. Landon and I watched some of the Macy's parade, Lukas played Wii most of the day, and we did a whole lot of lying around watching TV. Ben and I think this is one of our best Thanksgivings yet. It was very relaxing to stay home in comfortable clothes and do absolutely nothing. We will be having turkey dinner on Saturday at Grandma's and on Sunday at Great Nanny & Pappap's. So, we didn't mind that we didn't have turkey today. We also watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving. Lukas is at the age were he enjoys traditions. These are the moments that make the holidays special.
We are so thankful to have two healthy, happy boys, a wonderful family, great friends, our health, our jobs, a roof over our heads, and most of all each other.
The boys and I did this artwork using their hands. They thought it was so much fun!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!