We finally bit the bullet and got Landon his little potty and big boy underwear last week. It even has a soft cushy seat! It has been a full of potty training and he's doing pretty well. He has yet to go "poopy" on the potty. He says that he will and never does. We decided to keep a diaper on him until he gets used to the idea of the potty. Basically, we don't want to deal with the mess! Once he gets used to the idea and is better at using the potty, then we'll put the big boy undies on. He loves to go pee on his potty and is so proud after he goes. Then he must show all of us. It's so cute. As you may have noticed, we usually let him go pantless around the house. It seems to be easier since he tells us at the last possible second. Oh, the joy of potty training. Ben and I are so glad this is our last time to do this:)