This afternoon, my mom picked up the boys and I met them there after work for trick or treating in Leechburg. Mom made us dinner and her and I took the boys around town. Landon did so well. He even carried his treat bag for a little while. My mom and I both noticed how Lukas is really growing up and getting into "trick or treating". He was a maniac bouncing from one house to another, leading the way. We had to yell a few times because he'd get too far ahead of us. Lukas went to each house and said "trick or treat" and "thank you". I was very impressed. Landon wanted to eat everything as he got it, so I had to take over his bag and treats. We met up with my Aunt Lee, Uncle Jeff and Ashlynn and walked with them the rest of the evening. Lukas and Ashlynn had a great time together.
Now, for the costumes. If you know Lukas, then you understand. For those of you who don't, here is the story. Lukas has two stuffed dogs, Frito and baby Frito, that are identical. One is larger than the other of course. My mom asked Lukas what he wanted to be for Halloween and he immediately said that he wanted to be "Frito" and Landon had to be "Baby Frito". We thought it was the cutest thing out of his mouth. So, my amazing mother made their costumes to match his dogs. As always, great job Mom! They sure did get lots of comments. I did tell Lukas that this will probably be the last year that he can pick his brothers costume. Next year, Landon will want to pick himself. I think he was OK with that, but we'll see what happens next year. Oh, we were in such a hurry that I forgot to put their noses and whiskers on. We'll be going to a Halloween parade Friday night, so hopefully I remember then.