The day started at 7am... Lukas' 1st day of kindergarten! I had to have myself and both boys ready by 8:20. I packed his lunch the night before and assembled it this morning with the ice packs and cold stuff. I couldn't help myself. I made Lukas a "heart" turkey sandwich and wrote a note on his napkin. Ben laughed and said I was going to get him beat up. It's kindergarten for goodness sake. I showed Lukas his lunch before we left and he gave me the cutest grin when he saw his sandwich. Landon was so upset because I wouldn't let him have anything in Luke's box. Though, Lukas was being a nice big brother and let him hold it.
When Ben got home from work, we loaded the boys up and headed to school. Since it was the first day, they let us walk him in to his class. On normal days, he'll just get dropped off at the door and his teacher "Mrs. Paga" will take him to class. The morning went very well. Ben was a little stressed, but he'd just gotten home from work and it was the first day. I have to admit, I had to fight back the tears when they said to take your last pictures and say goodbye. I didn't want Lukas to see me cry so I held the tears till we made it outside. It was quite comical actually. The principal was also in the parking lot (a few feet away) and saw me wiping some tears and yelled "Are you OK?"..."I know, it's hard". Of course, Ben had to laugh.
Ahhhh...the memories of our first kindergarten adventure!
Ben told the guys at work last night that "he's starting day 1 of a mandatory 18 year prison term sentence".
After we got back home, I headed off to work and Ben stayed home with Landon and they'd pick Lukas up at 3:20. Yep, that's right. Lukas has all day kindergarten. I thought about him all day at work and couldn't wait to get home and see how his day went.
When I got home, he told me all about his day and that he ate his whole sandwich. Then asked me if I'd make a heart sandwich for tomorrow. He can't wait to go tomorrow.