Today, we celebrated with #1 DAD. Ben woke up to the boys giving him a card that Lukas picked out and signed both their names. He even wrote "DAD" on the envelope without any help. After Landon went down for his nap, Lukas and I baked a white cake for Ben (His Favorite). We spent the entire day together doing stuff outside, grilled out for dinner and then went out for icecream. Ben even called off work tonight and spent the ENTIRE evening with us. It was so great! He had a wonderful Father's Day and deserved the day off work. He does so much for the boys and I. He truly is THE #1 DAD in the WORLD!! Not too many men work the shift that he works (12am – 8am) and comes home while I leave for work (9am – 5pm) and stays up all day with the boys and doesn't go to bed until I get home at 6pm. Yes, he only gets 3-4 hours of sleep! But, he does this for our boys. DADDY – We love and appreciate you more than you'll ever know. Thank You for EVERYTHING! Happy Father's Day=]