Landon had his one year check-up this morning. He measured 30 1/8" (75%) and weighs 21 lbs-8 oz (40%)! "Dr. Gibson asked if he was walking yet and Ben said "yes". She was so excited and wanted to see him walk that she went on the other side of the room with him, as he was screaming his head off, and put him down and he took off quickly to Ben. She said "yeah, he's been walking for a while".
YAY! We are so excited that we get to move his car seat to forward facing:) Thank goodness, because his feet have been touching the seat for months.
Poor guy also had to get three shots:(
He's very healthy and growing like a bad weed.
New milestones:
• Walking
• Claps his hands
• Waves (hi and bye)
• Puts his arms in the air when he's done eating or whenever we say "all done"
• Drinks from a straw
• Very weary of strangers
• Has 8 teeth
Here's a picture I got of him putting his arms up when we say "all done".