Wow...Landon turned 9 months on Wednesday. I can't believe how fast time is going. Ben took him for his check-up this morning and he weighed in at 20 lbs, 11 oz. He now measures 291/2" (which he's still in the 90%). Dr. Gibson said that Landon's working on 4 teeth coming in. She thinks that they will be in soon and will all come in at the same time. Ben and I aren't looking forward to this! Of course he had to get his usual 3 shots, plus a flu shot. We also had Lukas get his flu shot today. He's really good about getting shots. Needless to say, the boys were in bed by 7:30 tonight, which is really unusual for Lukas...Poor kids.
• Pulls himself up on anything and can even walk along the couch and other stable objects
• Responds to his name
• Understands a few words such as "no-no" (If I get real stern, I usually make him cry)
• Says "mama" but not specifically
• Sits very well independently
• Bangs two toys together
• Plays interactive games such as "Peek-A-Boo" and "Pat-a-cake"
• Eats certain foods with his fingers
• Holds his bottle
• Sleeps through the night except for an occasional night wakening