This morning we went had Landon's pictures taken for his 6 month milestone. It went very well and I am pleased with the way the pictures turned out. Lukas all of sudden loves to get his picture taken so we got a couple shots of him for free:) After we were finished with the photos, we went to the Kidz Shoes store and bought Lukas two new pairs of shoes. He now wears a 10 1/5! I hope everyone is enjoying your long holiday weekend!
Landon had his 6 month checkup today. He weighed in at exactly 19 lbs and measures 28.5", he's in the 50% for his weight and 90% for his height. Our doctor (Dr. Gibson) said that he is a long skinny boy just like his big brother. Dr. Gibson also said that he's above average for his motor and social skills and couldn't believe that he had two teeth already. We got the go ahead to start stage 2 foods. I'm really looking forward to this, I'm very bored with the stage 1 foods:) I can guarantee that Landon will be excited because he loves to eat! I am having a hard time with the green beans and peas. He was really never fond of the green beans, but now he's being picky about the peas.
Landon's milestones: • has two bottom teeth • army crawls – he can get to anything he wants and gets faster everyday. • when rolling from back to side he can bend himself into sitting position • is very happy in the mornings • sleeps all night and takes a 3-4 hour nap; usually from 12-3 • vocalizes pleasure & displeasure – grunts, growls, coos, gurgles, giggles • very wary of strangers • knows his name when heard • wants to eat what we are eating • pats at mirror image • balances head well • Uses fingers to grasp objects • imitates sounds • pushes away undesired objects
The other day while I was putting Landon down for a nap, Lukas was downstairs watching his Thomas video while playing with his trains. After Landon was asleep, he come running up to me "mommy, Thomas, Percy and James are all ghost trains, come and see." When I got downstairs, Lukas had the three trains covered in baby powder! haha... it was very funny. For those of you who don't watch Thomas, there is a story of "Percy's ghostly trick". The short version: In the story, Percy runs into a bag of flour and wants to scare Thomas by making him believe he is seeing "Percy's ghost." This is were Lukas got the idea. A Child's mind is absolutely amazing!
Lukas and I spent the afternoon playing with finger paint. We really made a mess on our back patio, but it was well worth it. He was so into it that he even took off his socks and shoes and painted with his feet. Painting is Lukas' favorite medium, especially watercolors. Lukas painted this really neat "wheel painting" in pre-school last year that I scanned to show all of you. This was one of my favorite pieces of his work that he brought home from school. I'm going to frame this one. I also scanned some of his work and a butterfly that I did. Enjoy the beautiful art!
Last weekend, Ben had off and while Landon was napping, we decided to wash the vehicles. Lukas was really into it. He even decided to wash his "tikes" car. Lukas also had the camera for a while and took some pictures of my car while I was washing it. He's too cute. I think his perspectives are so interesting.
I finally got a picture of Landon's 1st two teeth. It was very difficult to get a picture because every time you open his mouth he puts his tongue over them.
Here are some random pictures I took last week. We are working on getting the boys to bed earlier to get Lukas ready for school. He starts pre-kindergarten on September 5th. It's been hard because Lukas likes to play outside till dark. Landon has a doctor's appointment next week for his 6 month checkup. I'll keep you posted. Enjoy the pics:)
This weekend we attended the Glass family reunion. It was a hot, beautiful day at Crooked Creek. My dad, brother, sister and I all went this year and spent the afternoon together. Lukas enjoyed playing at the park and played for hours digging in the sand. Clint was a howl in the handicap swing, making us all laugh. It was really great this year. Here are a few pics...
On Sunday, we went to Idlewild and Soakzone for my moms work picnic. Sunday, was also Ben's birthday. It was a great day and everyone had a blast. Landon was awake almost the entire day, I think he may have took two 20 minute naps. He rode the marry-go-round twice, he loved it. After lunch, we took Lukas to Soakzone (the waterpark). He was having a blast until Ben, Kristy, Lee Ann, Ashlynn and I all decided to ride this raft (enclosed) tube slide. Lukas rode with Kristy and did not like it at all, he was very scared. We had a wonderful day, but by the time we got home we were all exhausted. Here are some pictures from the day.
Also, last Friday, Lukas finished up his swimming lessons and he passed! He really enjoyed going and learned so much. Landon's 2nd tooth broke through also that evening.
This past weekend was very busy. Saturday, was Christina's (my cousin's fiance) bridal shower. My sister and I are in the wedding. The big day is September 14th. Here are some photos from taken that afternoon. The group shot is the Coyle side of the family with the soon to be Mrs. David Coyle:) Oh, and yes, my sister and I are wearing the same dress. This was planned...haha!
On Sunday, while we were waiting for Ben to get home from a meeting, I decided to take the boys outside to get some fresh air. Lukas wanted to swing with Landon so I broke down and let him hold him while I pushed them very gently. Landon really enjoyed it, but Lukas got tired of it in less than 2 minutes because he wasn't going fast enough. After Ben got home from his meeting, I had him go up in the attic and dig out some more baby stuff that we had put away. Here are some pics of the boys swinging and one of Landon in the walker.
Lukas finished his 1st week of lessons tonight. He's doing very well and loves to go. They had to start off with 15 bobs, then practice kicking on the wall and also jump off the dives and have their head go under the water. I took my camera tonight and got some shots. He's the one in the yellow/green goggles.