Landon's 3rd tooth has broke through. Ben and I were really shocked because we thought, for sure, it was going to be on the top. Now he has three teeth in a row.
This morning we got up early and took the kids to "AVH Breakfast with Santa" The kids visit with Santa, get a gift, breakfast, cookies, and do crafts. It's really fun. Afterwards, we did some running around at the Galleria. We're able to eat out a restaurant with Landon now that I'm giving him table food. We went to Chili's and Landon didn't fuss once, well except for more food.
Landon has been walking behind his "push toy" all by himself really well. We think he's on his way to walking very soon. Also, the other day, Landon climbed the top of stairs all by himself. Of course, we were behind him:) I usually let him go up a few times a day, they say it's really good for babies. This is about everything new with us. Hope everyone's doing well.